A Windows scrolling screenshot refers to a captured image that extends beyond the visible screen boundaries to include content in a scrollable area, such as a webpage, a document, or any application with vertical or horizontal scrolling capabilities. Unlike standard screenshots that capture only the currently visible portion, a scrolling screenshot compiles the entire content area, providing a seamless, full-length image of an entire webpage, document, or app interface. This technique is particularly useful for capturing information in lengthy documents, extended chat logs, or webpages without needing multiple screenshots.
Example of Windows Scrolling Screenshot

Use Free Snipping Tool to take Windows Scrolling Screenshot
Follow these simple steps, choosing right area where scroll is the most important thing.
1- Bring up Capture Scrolling Window from the menu.

2- Click select window/contol button, make sure scrolling area you want to capture is visible on the screen, not minimized.

3- This will add a red border where it detects scrollbars automatically.

4- Now use your mouse to select the part of scrolling area that you want to capture, its highlighted with blue shade.

5- Now click on center of the selected area, don't have to be 100% accurate and click Start Capture button.
6- When its finished scroll, it will ask you to end the process, click Yes.

7- It will then make the screenshot and give you options to save it,